Sonja Mustiful, MS, ACC, CDTLF™
Leadership Coaching through a ZOOM Lens
Leadership Coaching at its best is formed at the intersection of authenticity and trust. Leaders are making decisions from a virtual ZOOM space while navigating between the needs of their organization – and the needs of those they lead. Learn essential skills of how great leaders can best lead from a place of accountability, curiosity and transparency.
▪ Accountability: navigating team dynamics that fosters collaboration
▪ Curiosity: extending kindness in the midst of change
▪ Transparency: identifying career blind spots to inspire leaders to rise to their potential
ATD Competencies: Foundational Competencies, Personal and Interpersonal Relations
Speaker Biography
Sonja Mustiful is the Principal and Owner of Essence of Coaching, Author, Executive Coach and HR Professional who partners with leaders to who are inspired to move the needle on enhancing a transformational culture through their people. She specializes in executive coaching, professional development, succession planning, organizational effectiveness and team building.
Essence of Coaching, a leadership development consultancy dedicated to inspiring leaders to rise to their potential. Sonja is a transformational speaker. Her workshops and keynote addresses are rich with proven strategies that can be implemented immediately to enact change in life and work. She is adept at injecting stories to increase motivation and anchor learning. Her insightful approach has helped clients ignite their teams and inspire them to improve their leadership and personal accountability.
Sonja holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources, certification as an Executive Coach from the International Coach Federation (ICF), author of Aim High, Ask Why and a Brené Brown Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator.
Be Amazing. Be Inspired. Be Motivated. (A.I.M.)
In her work with clients, Sonja has: ▪ Coached individuals and groups in taking Accountability by setting clear expectations resulting in improved leadership potential. ▪ Used tools such as Leadership Practices Inventory(LPI), Hogan/360-degree assessments, to help clients gain self-awareness, uncover blind spots and stay engaged in the workplace. ▪ Developed and facilitated workshops/strategic planning sessions to guide and support teams to remain engaged, gain additional insight about themselves and learn team skills to become daring, effective leaders.
Team Connector
Team Development engagements include a combination of team coaching sessions and individual coaching with the goal of transforming how the team works together. The coaching is designed to strengthen teamwork and develop each individual member into a more engaged and motivated performer.
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